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Cheryl Shije Shane

These videos are the ones that you should have already received.  I was not able to record you doing these things:
hitting me with your hands
kicking me
throwing and breaking the chair in the breakfast room
practically breaking down the bedroom door at least a dozen times when I was trying to get away from you
You trying to tear the 100 year old upstairs bannister off the floor.

Jumping on top of my car when I was trying to leave the house.


This video shows domestic assault and battery which is a felony.
Cheryl, this is from you to me. I did not edit it at all.
I’m going to get tested for ASD when I start seeing my new dr.  I have quite a few of the signs:  
good and bad memory 
Gut issues
Resistant to change 
Not being able to say what I want to say inability to speak academically 
Having a diagnosis of other mental issues
Doing the same things all the time
Like to do things alone
Not liking outings prefer to stay in
Etc etc
These are just a few